A Reluctant Holistic Medicine Convert Tells You How You Can Improve Yourself.

And yeah, f*&$!k her.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

RISE UP! A Gal's Guide To Yeast Infections


First of all, just, gross. And those of you who know what I'm talking about? Right? Gross.

This is a condition that is never as simple as you want it to be. Yes, you can take Monostat, and I will guess that in a month you will be taking it again, and possibly the month after that, and the month after that.

Because generally a yeast infection doesn't happen in isolation from other things going on in the body. If there's an out-of-balance vajayjay, then the digestive tract is usually too. By out of balance, this simply means that the bad bacteria has gotten stronger/more numerous than the good bacteria. It happens.

There is a larger thing - Candida Overgrowth - which is (a.) a real thing; (b.) the subject of many books that have made lots of money, so I feel I don't need to cover that here. At least until I run out of things to say.

So, locationally specific things you can do. Meaning things you can insert in your ya-ya

-Take a tea bag, cut open one corner and drain the tea completely out. Insert 1 crushed garlic clove. Leave the tea tag on the bag, and insert down there. NO I AM NOT KIDDING. Go to sleep, get up and remove. Repeat every other night for a week, alternating with:
-A tampon with one of the following on it; Neem oil, tea tree oil, castor-oil plus apple cider vinegar
-Or, use tea tree oil suppositories, Yeastaway homeopathic suppository, or any other kind of natural food store suppository that is meant to tackle this condition.

Generally, here's a few other guidelines to speed healing.

-No sugar. That means no sugar, no honey, no agave, no maple syrup, no nothing sweet. Also, no high sugar fruits, and (this is really important) NO ALCOHOL, with a special emphasis on NO BEER.
-No simple starches, meaning nothing made with flour.
-Eat veggies, high quality meats with no antibiotics, whole grains (meaning the whole grain, not bread that is supposed to INCLUDE whole grains).
-Drink lots of water.
-Eat lots of high quality plain yogurt. You can add a small amount of frozen raspberries or blueberries to it.

I am sure I will post more about this particular subject, but for right now...gross.

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