What the f- is Rosacea? If you have to ask, you don't have it. It's when the rest of your body is normal skin tone and your face looks constantly embarrassed. I have it, my sister has it, my mom has it, I know a lot of people who have it. It's easy to spot in photos.
So, what do you do about it?
Stop drinking caffeine.
Yup. That's it. That's what I have for you.
Also, drink less alcohol.
Nothing else I have tried works. Some peeps suggest an Alkaline diet, but I already pretty much eat that way and I still have it.
But then there is another solution:

This works like a charm. I can't say enough good things about it, Hollywood makeup artists have known this trick for years, that a green powder can make a flushed face look like pale British person skin. It's so good, it can cover birthmarks! And it's only a 1 on the SkinDeep database, which means it's completely safe to use. How often does the Spleen suggest you consume your way out a health issue? I KNOW. So much easier than giving up sugar. Which I totally suggest you do.