A Reluctant Holistic Medicine Convert Tells You How You Can Improve Yourself.

And yeah, f*&$!k her.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

ROSACEA! An Incredibly Short Post on Having A Red Face

What the f- is Rosacea? If you have to ask, you don't have it. It's when the rest of your body is normal skin tone and your face looks constantly embarrassed. I have it, my sister has it, my mom has it, I know a lot of people who have it. It's easy to spot in photos.

So, what do you do about it?

Stop drinking caffeine.

Yup. That's it. That's what I have for you.

Also, drink less alcohol.


Nothing else I have tried works. Some peeps suggest an Alkaline diet, but I already pretty much eat that way and I still have it.

But then there is another solution:
This works like a charm. I can't say enough good things about it, Hollywood makeup artists have known this trick for years, that a green powder can make a flushed face look like pale British person skin. It's so good, it can cover birthmarks! And it's only a 1 on the SkinDeep database, which means it's completely safe to use. How often does the Spleen suggest you consume your way out a health issue? I KNOW. So much easier than giving up sugar. Which I totally suggest you do.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

FULL OF SH*T! The ongoing saga of lady constipation.

Sunday night I had two ladies over for dinner and we had a grand ol time eating my gastronomically designed turkey burgers and talking about not being able to shit and what to do about it.

I love constipation. It's the final frontier in control issues, when your body is all just I AM NOT LETTING THIS GO NONOONONONONONOOOOO!

And there are myriad ways to deal with it. No, not this. I think this is a bad idea - too hot, too fast, too much like a self-induced shitstorm.

Here are a few of my recent faves:

-Overdose just slightly on Vitamin C with bioflavanoids. Instead of taking the recommended dose, double it. That will usually loosen your bowels. DO NOT GO NUTS WITH THIS. Do not get impatient and take TEN. Take three or four and wait. :)

-Magnesium will also help things move along. There are a few magnesium mixes that are a good idea, and help to keep stuff moving.

-Take 2 tablespoons of ground up flaxseed in a glass of water.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

EXPERIMERRIMENT: I have the F-ing Flu, Part 1

So I gots the flu.

How do I know it's the flu, you ask. Well.

Generally my herbal skills are high enough now that I can drop kick a cold in about 72 hours if I know what's going on. Also, everyone in my office has been sick for MONTHS, which pretty much always means a viral infection. I have been using Umcka and neti pot, trying to put off the inevitable for about a month now, and ALSO keeping my eye out for the Pre-Flu-Super-Hunger.

This is a weird symptom but it's pretty consistent for me - that the day before I get sick I feel both SUPER energetic, and SUPER starving. I have never been able to figure out why this is exactly. One thing is that my body is trying to fight it and needs fuel. The other - and this actually tends to be what I think is going on (and I know this is a weird theory) but that the virus is fighting to take hold and wants my body to be in a more acidic state so it can multiply. I know, I know. But I know that I am one of those individuals who does better when I'm nursing an illness by seriously limiting solid food intake. Which is murder, cuz I love to eat.

So, Saturday was a shoot day, and I ate my face off all day without paying much attention to it. By Sunday, I started feeling the heaviness and loss of balance that usually is the precursor to illness, so I started the following:

-Umka, full dropper 6 times a day
-Echinacea, full dropper 5 times a day
-AND thinking that it was a virus, Colloidal Silver, half dropper about 8 times a day.

Most people who have gotten this thing have a heavy nasal component (including my husband, who I managed to infect as well). So far, with this herbal regimen, no nasal component. Mostly just feeling heavy, tired, and my stomach is WAY upset.

Knowing that the thing about the flu is that it tends to rally just when you think it's going away, I added another anti-viral yesterday:

-Astragalus, full dropper, six times a day

So I'm not better. But I don't feel like I'm getting worse. And not getting a sinus infection? PRICELESS. More on the anti-flu experiment tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

RANT: Smooth Move Tea

Let's talk for a second about Smooth Move tea. It looks harmless enough. It's a tea! It's natural! It must be...gentle.

For those people who think that herbs are just weaker versions of pharmaceuticals without nasty side effects, I bring you Rocket-From-Your-A*s tea. This is not something to be taken lightly, no pun intended. It works, yes, and if your digestion is rock solid as well as Totally Not Moving, then this might be a good idea.

The thing to know is that this stimulates the intestine to move. And it might not stop when you have moved what needed moving. If your stomach is sensitive, this tea makes a suggestion to your bowels that may keep on giving several days later. You started with constipation and ended up with diarrhea. Awesome. And while the inconvenience is one thing, the other is that you will totally f-up your intestinal flora, which is no joke, and will further erode the stability of your digestive tract.

Herbs can be very strong and effective. Just because you didn't have to get it from a pharmacist doesn't mean it can't be potent and harmful. Herbal laxatives can erode intestinal strength and tone just like pharmacological laxatives - and then you will really be in a pickle.

Monday, February 14, 2011



You will follow me! YOU WILL FOLLOW ME! Why do you want to read a whole paragraph when you could read selected shorts of my wisdom? Is it me or is JUST SO AWESOME TO LIVE IN THE 21st CENTURY? Um. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

PUTTING MY FOOT IN IT!! The Spleen Weighs in On Autism and Vaccines

Okay, so I am an idiot who gets involved in heated discussions on Facebook. Fuck you Mark Zuckerman for most things (Farmville notices, friending fuckers who dumped me, being friended by fuckers I dumped, etc), but kudos to you for that. Our country is largely lacking an arena for public debate between just plain ol' peeps and acquaintances. We don't tend to discuss politics with each other after we graduate from whatever level of scholarship we choose to be in debt for - we default to Things We Own, Pets We Have, Children We Are Trying to Have/School/Toilet Train, etc.

But Andrew Wakefield got dragged back into the spotlight this week again. Seems he's on a bi-yearly decreditation schedule - we have to once again declare that everything he has ever done is pure unadulterated bullshit, expressly done with evil intent. I didn't read anything new in this report, despite the blaring headlines. The research I had done related to a job on the whole autism/vaccine connection was about 8 months ago, and unless I am going senile, none of the stuff I read this week was new. It was all stuff that was out-and-about 8 months ago, including the stuff about the kids diagnoses. Why did it become newsworthy this week? I am assuming a press release was sent out by someone. In fact, the only new word that I read was "fraud".

He's a scientist. He knows about peer review. He's not an idiot. And I am pretty sure he knew his findings were going to be a giant fart in the news cycle of humanity. So I am having a hard time believing that he went out with the pure intent to bend facts with the express purpose of falsifying results. Maybe I am wrong, maybe he is a narcissistic maniac. But I am also wondering why - when this study is a gajillion years old by our 24-hour news cycle standard (13 years!) - and it has gotten so much publicity, public outcry, etc. - WHY did it take THIS LONG to declare this out and out fraud? Weren't people all over his findings like white-on-rice from the get go?

I would want someone to walk through exactly what is wrong with the study with me. Show me all the bendings of the rules. I am not going to take the media's word for this. Why? Because they do not give a shit whether it's true or not, it's a great story.

Also, having read about the consistent bending of not only study results when it comes to the testing of pharmaceuticals, but also the bending the studies themselves to assure the results that the interested party wants - we all need to get over the idea of definitive results, perhaps the same way that we need to get over our obsession with The Cure (more on that later).

I am agnostic over Andrew Wakefield, his studies and whether or not he's a Giant Dick who wants kids to die of whooping cough.

Frankly, I believe the parents who said they saw their child change after being vaccinated.

Because I believe that most people are pretty smart about the tiny packages of humanity whose every moment they are involved in up til age 6. I think if they say they saw a marked difference in behavior following an illness that followed vaccination, then they are probably right that the vaccination had something to do it. This is anecdotal evidence, not scientific. But it doesn't make it any less valuable to me. What change does that demand in public policy? I have no idea. But I will stand with the individuals who say they have reached a common sense conclusion about their own child.